Year: 2021

How to Update a Pub or Hotel

From a business point of view, the primary purpose of a pub or hotel is to get as many customers through the door as possible. If that isn’t happening with your establishment, you need to take a critical look as to the reason why. Perhaps visit your rivals and see if they are offering something different. One thing that might immediately strike you is how other pubs and hotels look fresh and inviting. It might be time to update your tired old decor.

Updating with Posters

So, having decided that a refurbishment is in order, you may be worried about the budget. Rather than overhaul the entire establishment, you can update your look with affordable posters from, a renowned wall art website. They have literally thousands of posters and prints to choose from, so you will easily find something that matches the style of your pub or hotel. Their easy to follow list of categories is the best starting place.

Select a Theme

Rather than having a wide variety of posters on different subjects, it would be better to have one theme in mind and create a coordinated look. The categories on Dear Sam include animals, art deco, botanical, fashion, icons and many more. For example, if your pub is called the Red Lion or the White Hart, you may wish to have an animal theme. This will intrigue your customers, who might want to follow your virtual zoo!

Once you have chosen your theme, you don’t have to stick to it year-round. Because the posters at Dear Sam are so affordable, you can buy a variety of different subjects and continually update your look. This could even be a promotional feature, and you could mention it on your social media platforms to encourage new customers to take a look. Updating your pub or hotel will definitely be a worthwhile investment.

Choosing Rugs For Hotels

When a guest enters a hotel their first impressions will often depend on how well decorated the interior space is. Many of these establishments will place an emphasis on the wall art because it is directly in the eye line of customers. However, it is never a good idea to neglect the flooring.

If the ground of an accommodation business seems too bare it can directly influence the amount of people who choose to stay there. For this reason hotel owners will utilise rugs. The ideal site to order them from is TrendCarpet. Their catalogue contains a plethora of high quality items that will completely transform a hotel floor.

Rugs In Vibrant Colours

Some of these businesses can be improved by livening up the rooms with bright hues. For example a pink rug from TrendCarpet could be used as a centrepiece. When a hotel interior design seems more engaging it can increase customer interest. The right colour of rug will depend on several factors. For example if it is a a themed hotel then the tones need to fit in with the rest of the design elements. If owners research the psychological effects of different colours it will help them to narrow down their search.

Classic Patterns

Other establishments are better suited for rugs in elegant patterns. The designs of these hotels may be more subdued with an emphasis on style. These places could utilise Art Deco floor décor in a variety of ways. If the main aim is to mimic an even older style then the rugs could be inspired by the Baroque movement. Sometimes the patterns on the rug are the same as those found on other elements within the room. Other times the interior is plain so that the floor decorations are more emphasised.

Making A Space Seem Fuller

Rugs can significantly alter a hotel space for the better. For example, if rooms seem overly spacious then a floor covering will help to fill it out. This will also connect separate pieces of furniture together. When hotel rooms seem fuller it usually conveys a more welcoming atmosphere to guests. It is a good idea to measure the room dimensions before ordering a new TrendCarpet rug.

Creating A Cosy Atmosphere

In the colder months of the year customers are more likely to choose hotels that feel cosy. For this reason the owner could pick a sheepskin rug. These items are ideal for rooms that contain fireplaces. TrendCarpet offers these kinds of floor coverings from Sweden, Iceland and Scotland.

Opening a Themed Bar or Hotel

Hotels and pubs that have particular themes can attract more customers than a conventional bar. For example, sports-orientated pubs and hotel bars will attract those who wish to watch live games and events on TVs or screens. In addition, some establishments have movie-style bars with regular screen showings. The Hard Rock Cafe is an example of a particular theme that has stood the test of time.

Transforming Your Bar

Once you have chosen your theme, you will need to start transforming the place accordingly. It is advisable to purchase a van that can be fitted with van racking to help you transport the heavy and varied props that will turn your bar or hotel into the venue of your dreams. Besides, once your new venture is up and running, you will need to make frequent trips to the brewery and local cash and carry warehouses to ensure your place is fully stocked at all times. When fitting storage and shelves, you should visit the Work System website. Here you will find practical storage solutions to all your van transportation needs.

Why Consider Work System?

This company offers standard and customised storage systems designed to fit any van. They can supply basic shelves and frames, simple drawer storage or more advanced interior carrying facilities to ensure your valuable cargo of alcohol and food arrives at its destination in good condition. They offer:

  • Van racking driver’s side
  • Van racking passenger side
  • Large drawer units
  • Underfloor drawers
  • Accessories such as dividers and smart boxes, among other items

You could even customise your van to match the theme of your pub or hotel with appropriate graphics. Don’t forget to add the name, website and telephone number of your establishment. This will ensure you gain free publicity when parked up or are travelling to breweries etc. You could park it in a prominent place in the locality to generate some extra custom and raise awareness of your hostelry.


Once you have chosen the style of bar you wish to run, make sure you promote it, and there is sufficient interest in the locality to make it a success. Having a van fitted with Work System storage facilities, you can be confident that whatever you wish to transport, you will easily be able to secure it for the journey and have access to it at all times. Their systems will also store any load to protect the passengers and driver from injury. There are many themed bars and hotels, but the secret of success is carving out your own niche in an ever-crowded market. However, if you get it right then, a successful business will soon follow. Who knows, you could quickly have your own chain of themed bars throughout the country!

Marketing Your Hotel/Pub Business Using Apple Refurbished Products

Without marketing, no business can thrive to its full potential. Yes, coming up with a viable business idea is one thing, but pursuing that business idea to the letter is quite another. And when it comes to hotels and pubs, marketing is more than essential. That’s because these niches are so competitive that a full month, for instance, without marketing may take your business far down the pecking order among your competitors. That said, it is clear that marketing must be part and parcel of any business enterprise. One way to market your business is by use of the internet.

With the internet, you may not have to apply the traditional marketing techniques for your pub or hotel business. Used by billions of people around the world, nothing beats the internet when it comes to lead generation. As long as you have an internet device such as an Apple refurbished product, marketing your hotel will be a breeze.

Upload Clear Images of Your Business on the Internet

Visuals speak louder than words or written content. If you have a website for your pub or hotel business, you can simply upload the images of your hotel or pub on the site for your visitors and leads to see. This will give them a clue of how your business looks like and what it offers. And not just a website, you can also market your business on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram. With a refurbished Apple device, you will be able to take clear photos of your business and upload them on your social media accounts. Thankfully, all apple devices come with a high-definition camera, which is able to capture even the finest details of anything.

In taking the photos of your business, you may want to be as comprehensive as possible. You can take a photo of the entire business premise, as well as the interior, such as the rooms and restaurants. Good clear images will not only capture the attention of potential clients, but they will also convince leads to convert into actual customers, resulting in more sales and the eventual success of your hotel or pub business.

Use Your Refurbished Device to Engage with Clients

Apple products are one of the most sophisticated internet devices. Hence, the least you can expect from this high-end gadgets is a good internet speed. Whether new or refurbished, the device will allow you to access and serf the internet at a lightning speed. Thus, if you’re having a live chat with your hotel clients, for instance, you can be sure the chat will be seamless. You will be able to answer all the questions as advanced by customers quickly without any unnecessary delays caused by device freezing.

Bottom Line

Internet marketing needs the use of the right device for it to be successful, and a refurbished Apple computer or tablet is just the right device. While you won’t be the first user of such a device, most of these devices are still in good condition to serve you at least for the foreseeable future. In fact, most of refurbished Apple products are far much better that new devices manufactured by some other companies.

Avoiding Puffy Eyes During and After a Pub Crawl

From time to time, the need to step out and go for a good time at a pub or hotel catches up with most people. It is a healthy habit, especially when done with moderation. Going out helps people to relax and re-set after a laborious day, week or month. However, the effects that sometimes result from a night of drinking are not as pleasant.

Puffy eyes, for instance, are often associated with regular drinking or a partying night that deprives one of sleep. However, you do not have to let these effects prevent you from having a good time. Thanks to the increasingly popular Verso super eye serum you can keep any signs of fatigue and ageing at bay as you enjoy a weekend tipple. The super friendly serum works by strengthening the skin around the eyes to keep you looking fresh as you party.

Why Verso Serum?

Although the effects of staying up late while on a pub crawl may not be visible after one day, they eventually begin showing. For many party lovers, puffy eyes are one of the earliest signs. Verso serum works to prevent eye bags without any harmful side effects.

It is a serum that is made using friendly ingredients; more of skin ‘food’ rather than a medicine. Its main component is retinol 8, an enhanced Vitamin-A complex. This component works by triggering the skin to produce collagen, a natural firming agent. It also has peptides that make it gentle to the skin as it sparks energy, rejuvenation, nourishment and brightening.

Verso serum is a handy protection cream given its small size and ease of use. The 30 ml container is easy to carry around, although you do not even need to go with it. By applying a few droplets on your fingers, then using them to gently pat the skin area surrounding the eyes, you are good to go. This can be done in the morning, then again in the evening before hitting the pub. If you love taking pictures while at the party or hotel, you will love how nice Verso serum will make you look and stand out in those shots.

Things to Consider When Setting Up Pubs and Hotels

Most entrepreneurs want to invest in the hotel and brewery industry. They focus on setting up bars and restaurants that will earn them a significant income. However, there are some things that people must consider when establishing these businesses. If you have plans to start any of these businesses, you should have successful strategies. Here are things you need to consider when establishing pubs and hotels.

Set Aside a Reasonable Amount of Money

You may find it challenging to start any businesses if you lack funds. Therefore, people who want to invest in pubs and hotels must have sufficient capital. They can get money from their savings or acquire a loan. If anyone wants to invest in bars or hotels, budgeting for that project is essential to ensure it succeeds.

Choose a Suitable Location

People with investment plans can consider starting a bar and a hotel. However, they must set their businesses in accessible areas. You will attract many clients if they can get to hotels and bars on time. You also have to ensure security is heightened in a hotel and bar so that customers can feel safe always.

Use Digital Marketing Strategies

You must have a successful plan to market your bar and hotel. Through digital marketing, you may increase the number of customers visiting your businesses. Consider using quality SEOs, paid-click ads, and emailing to find more customers. Social platforms, media, and roadshows may also help lure customers to your bar and hotel business.

Hold Unique Events in Your Bar and Hotel

When it comes to succeeding in bar and hotel business, you should consider alternative ways of promoting it other than digital marketing. Night parties and wedding events may increase customers in your business. People should consider these strategies if they want to invest in pubs and hotels.

Using Wallpapers for Pub and Hotel Decór

When you are in a pub or hotel business, you will often need to rebrand regularly. You may have seen joints that are the hit one year and completely lose patronage the next year. However, renovations can be quite costly. Think about having to repaint, change tables and chairs, lighting, and all other things that new establishments are putting up. It is, therefore, important to look for more cost-effective ways of keeping your establishment looking good.

In regards to painting, wallpapers can be a great alternative. When you use wallpaper for walls renovation, you reduce both the cost of doing it and make future renovations easy. Additionally, you get the freedom to play around with the many designs provided by sellers like Family Wallpapers.

Such wallpapers are created using digital technology, hence designs can only be limited by imagination. With different sets of wallpapers, you can use them to change themes to match with different seasons like the summer, Christmas and Thanksgiving if you identify with American practices.

Family Wallpapers has a display of all these lovely wallpapers on their website. You can zoom in the various designs and pick the one that pleases you best. Once you make a decision to buy, you can add your wallpaper to a cart and make payments right on the website. They make free deliveries and offer tips on how to go about setting up your wallpaper art. The wallpapers are also easy to remove when the time comes.

Moreover, you have a great option to print your own custom wallpaper. All you need to do is upload your picture and specify your dimensions and Family Wallpapers will create it for you. With this option, you can use creative ways to appease your customers. For instance, you may decide to create portraits of some of your most loyal customers and use them as murals.

When picking wallpapers for your establishment, you should consider other factors too. What audience, for instance, are you targeting? Different themes work for different demographic groups. Also, have a plan for when you intend to change themes. This will make it easier since you can buy in bulk and enjoy nice discounts.